Total price for full collection: $300
That's right... you can get all Archive Talks that have been digitized on one USB
The basic idea is quite simple. For a fraction of the cost (when individually purchased) you get all the talkds we have available.
Save when you get both: $550
For info on Gateways eBooks USB Visit Gateways
The value to you of having a complete library of IDHHB Archive Talks is not hard to figure out. But, what about the Good for Us?
Well, don't know if you have noticed :) but this world is getting very twitchy. It is not inconceivable that with little or no notice we could go up in smoke -- poof. We like the idea of various people around the world having these Archive Talks on usb drives in their pockets or at home in the study.
These USB thumbdrives might mean we can smuggle this information past whatever chaos may come our way.
You can be a time-traveling smuggler of transformative technology. Now, doesn't that sound fun?