A Foundation for Understanding the Force Love


A Foundation for Understanding the Force Love

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(2) CDs: 12.95

02-2022 Workshop


The talk explores the idea that love is not merely an emotion but a fundamental force akin to magnetism, electricity, or gravity. It discusses how emotional states, such as joy or fear, can be understood in terms of vibrational frequencies and suggests that experiencing, recognizing, and resonating with love can be a way to align oneself with higher states of being. The conversation also touches on the difficulty of describing inner states, the relativity of perception, and the potential for love as a carrier wave for communication and transformation.


This discussion presents love as an omnipresent force rather than a fleeting emotional state. The speaker compares love to phenomena such as magnetism and gravity, suggesting that it exists as a vibration or field that permeates the universe. Participants debate whether other emotions, such as joy and fear, also have distinct vibrational properties and whether they, too, can be "tuned into" deliberately rather than being passive experiences.

A key theme is the idea that emotions and states of being can be voluntarily accessed, not just experienced reactively. The discussion introduces the concept of harmonic resonance—the idea that one can recognize and align with frequencies of love through intention and practice. At the same time, it warns against limitations that stem from social conditioning, where voluntary expressions of emotion are often discouraged.

The speakers consider the significance of recognition and resonance in tuning into love. Just as a radio finds a station by adjusting frequency, one can attune themselves to love through familiarity and practice. They compare this to a tuning fork vibrating when placed near another already resonating at the same frequency.

The latter part of the discussion questions the implications of resonating with love—whether it influences one's behavior, how it can be recognized by others, and whether it can be transmitted like a radio frequency. The idea that love serves as a "carrier wave" for communication between dimensions or beings is introduced, drawing parallels to both esoteric spirituality and radio wave propagation.

Finally, the talk concludes with reflections on how love can be a driving force in spiritual development and whether it can be marketed to the wider world—bringing practicality to an otherwise metaphysical conversation.

Keywords & Key Phrases

  • Love as a Force
  • Vibrational States
  • Recognition and Resonance
  • Harmonic Tuning
  • Carrier Wave of Love
  • Electromagnetic Spectrum of Emotion
  • Intentional Emotional States
  • Tuning Fork Effect
  • Non-Fungible Being
  • Heterodyne Effect
  • Voluntary Emotion
  • Experiential Data
  • Nulling & Harmonic Drift
  • Permeation of Love
  • Attunement and Frequency Matching
  • Skill of Resonance
  • Omnipresence of Love
  • State vs. Place
  • Prime Directive and Non-Interference

Graphic Prompt

"A glowing, ethereal energy field, swirling with golden and violet hues, enveloping a cosmic figure standing in harmonious resonance with the universe. The figure appears translucent, radiating interconnected light waves that pulse outward, merging into the infinite fabric of the cosmos. Around them, faint electromagnetic lines ripple like a magnetic field. The scene is both scientific and mystical, evoking the feeling of a vast, unseen force penetrating all of existence. Artwork in the style of surreal energy physics with intricate waveforms and harmonic resonance effects."