Brain Information Processing


Brain Information Processing


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In this fascinating discussion with some visiting scientists, the inability of the brain to represent the universe in its field of interpretation is unveiled. Life-form tracking through the DNA and the ultimate weapon against death are topics also covered in this examination of the sensory apparatus of the human biological machine.


The discussion explores human perception, its limitations, and implications. It touches on cognitive biases, sensory information processing, scientific paradigms, neurophysiology, and the nature of discovery. The conversation debates whether human understanding is shaped by inherent structural limitations or cultural and institutional constraints. The dialogue critiques academia, the scientific community, and the role of authority in legitimizing knowledge, emphasizing heretics' role in advancing progress.


The discussion begins with the nature of human perception, emphasizing how cognitive prioritization filters incoming sensory data, shaping reality. The brain operates within constraints, constructing missing information through prior knowledge, leading to subjective experiences of reality.

Physiological constraints—such as the brain's finite resolution, retinal limitations, the processing abilities of neurons, and environmental interferences—are explored in depth. The conversation shifts to statistical perception, addressing how selective attention determines which data is processed and assigned significance.

The debate extends into broader philosophical and scientific territories, questioning whether objective knowledge is possible without mediation. Scientific progress is framed as an evolving paradigm, with established ideas resisting disruptive innovations. Analogies to historical discoveries highlight the conservatism of scientific institutions, which function as gatekeepers against paradigm shifts.

Critiques of academia and professionalized knowledge management suggest that true breakthroughs often emerge outside institutional channels. The potential obsolescence of Newtonian mechanics and Einsteinian relativity is raised, suggesting the future overthrow of current scientific dogmas.

The discussion examines the systemic filtering mechanisms within the scientific community and academia, where discoveries are only accepted when they align with existing theoretical frameworks. Historical examples in art, science, and industry illustrate how power and privilege shape recognition and progress.

The conversation concludes on existential concerns, contemplating the meaning of life, the inevitability of obsolescence, and the relationship between inquiry and humor. The ultimate takeaway is that discovery and creativity thrive despite, or perhaps because of, the structural blockers imposed on them.

Keywords & Key Phrases

  • Perceptual filtering
  • Cognitive prioritization
  • Statistical perception
  • Plasma field representation
  • Synaptic firing thresholds
  • Field anomalies
  • Assumptive enhancement
  • Bayesian inference device
  • Neurophysiological gating
  • Conceptual overlays
  • Visual cognition bias
  • Many-to-one mapping
  • Quantum statistical mechanics
  • Magnetic resonance interference
  • Holographic perception paradox
  • Entropic failure points
  • Scientific institutional conservatism
  • Paradigm resistance
  • Arbitrary constraints of academia
  • Heretical innovation
  • Cultural epistemology
  • Subjective structuralism
  • Knowledge gatekeeping
  • Non-Newtonian alternatives
  • Histamine reaction metaphor
  • Heuristic cognitive biases
  • Experimental paradigm shifts

Graphic Prompt for AI Art

A surrealist depiction of two overlapping realities: one resembles a classical Renaissance library filled with scholars analyzing books, while the other is an abstract digital matrix of neurons firing in luminous fractal-like patterns. In the center, a lone figure transitions between these dimensions, reaching toward a vast cosmic field of stars and mathematical symbols, illustrating the bridge between perception, cognition, and scientific exploration. The scene should evoke a sense of mystery, paradox, and intellectual transformation.