Tantra Dinner with John Reynolds and E.J. Gold


Tantra Dinner with John Reynolds and E.J. Gold


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(5) CDs: 27.95

Mr. Reynolds, a Tantra initiate, presents the primary tenets of Indian and Tibetan Tantra. The nature and differences of the Hinayana, Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhist paths are presented. Similarities in practice and origins of Buddhism and Fourth Way ideas are explored. A fascinating and informative presentation of Work ideas.


The discussion revolves around the speaker's personal journey into the study and practice of Tibetan and Indian Tantra, as well as the broader themes of spiritual transformation, meditation, and esoteric knowledge. The conversation explores key Buddhist concepts, such as Tantra, Vajrayana, and the Bardo states, and draws parallels to alchemy, psychology, and mystical traditions worldwide. There is also an examination of practical techniques for meditation, visualization, and transformative practices, including the symbolic and ritualistic aspects of Tantric spiritual paths.


The speaker, John Reynolds, recounts his path into the study of Tantra, beginning with personal visionary experiences that led him to India and Tibet. He describes the process of learning languages and making contact with living spiritual traditions, primarily within the Nyingmapa school of Tibetan Buddhism. He discusses the historical suppression of Tibetan religious practices during the Chinese Cultural Revolution and the subsequent policy reversals that allowed for a resurgence of Buddhist teachings and manuscript preservation.

The talk delves deeply into Tantra’s philosophical and practical dimensions, particularly its techniques for spiritual transformation. The three vehicles of Buddhism—Hinayana, Mahayana, and Vajrayana—are explained, with an emphasis on how Vajrayana, or the "diamond path," operates through the transmutation of ordinary consciousness into an enlightened state. The relationship between Tantra and alchemy is explored, particularly in terms of using passions like anger or desire in a transformative process as opposed to renouncing them.

A major component of Tantra is visualization and ritual, where practitioners work with deities, mandalas, and meditation techniques to bring about transformation. There is an in-depth discussion of the Bardo Thodol (Tibetan Book of the Dead), explaining its guidance for navigating death and rebirth, the appearance of peaceful and wrathful deities, and strategies for recognizing projections of one's mind to achieve liberation.

The discussion also touches on the ethics and efficacy of teaching spiritual methods in the modern world, the challenges of engaging New York audiences in esoteric subjects, and the practical concerns of disseminating spiritual knowledge. Additionally, the significance of dreams, meditation, lucid awareness, and methods for working with psychic energy in spiritual practice is examined.

The later portions focus on esoteric ideas regarding the interplay of tantra, sexuality, and energy transformation, including techniques of transmuting sexual energy for spiritual purposes and the metaphysical implications of bodily fluids and energetic exchanges.

Keywords & Key Phrases:

  • Tantra
  • Vajrayana
  • Nyingmapa school
  • Tibetan Book of the Dead
  • Bardo states
  • Mandalas & deities
  • Spiritual transformation
  • Alchemy & transmutation
  • Psychic heat (Tummo)
  • Lucid Dreaming & Bardo practice
  • Sadhana
  • Clear Light Awareness
  • Wrathful deities
  • Visualization techniques
  • Esoteric Buddhism
  • Siddhi (Realization & powers)
  • Sexual transmutation
  • Kundalini energy & chakras
  • Dakinis & divine consorts
  • Symbolic initiations
  • Psychic energy channels
  • Middle Pillar & Energy Flow
  • Conscious death practices (Powa)
  • Tibetan esoteric rituals (Ganachakra Puja)
  • Shakti & Shiva
  • Alchemy of passions
  • Hermetic seals in energy practices
  • Tibetan astrology
  • Esoteric dreamwork
  • Sacred sound (Mantra & Mudra)

Graphic Prompt:

"A lone figure sits in deep meditation, surrounded by a vast cosmic mandala glowing with intricate Sanskrit symbols. In the backdrop, wrathful and peaceful deities manifest, emerging from swirling clouds of fire and lotus flowers. A stream of golden light rises from the meditator’s head, forming a vast energy wheel. The underworld and celestial realms are intertwined, with spirits, Tantric god-forms, and esoteric symbols woven into the fabric of space. The figure’s body is partially transparent, revealing luminous chakras with concentrated fire at the heart center."