Reincarnation Awareness


Reincarnation Awareness


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Topics covered in this talk include being in the organic machine, the biological body and its use for transformation, escape from the cycles of birth and death, periods of blackout, essence and psyche, and the dangers of being a "space-junkie".


The talk explores the paradoxical nature of reincarnation awareness, challenging conventional understandings of past lives and rebirth. The speaker presents reincarnation not as a literal sequence of rebirths but as a continuous cycle of unconsciousness and reawakening within this life. The discussion raises the Zen-like dilemma that reincarnation both does and does not exist, depending on how one perceives it. Key themes include blackouts of awareness, the transformation of essence, breaking habitual cycles, and the confrontation with the “wolf” or “gorilla” of transformation. The talk pushes participants to examine their own unconscious tendencies, explore the difference between consciousness and awareness, and ultimately prepare for a confrontation with the ultimate existential transition.


The talk opens with the assertion that reincarnation does not exist—and yet, we are here to cultivate reincarnation awareness. This contradiction forms the foundation for the workshop’s exploration of what reincarnation truly means. The speaker suggests that what we call reincarnation is actually the process of falling into unconsciousness and reawakening to awareness—a cycle that occurs not across lifetimes, but moment-to-moment.

Key Ideas Discussed

  • The Blackout-Reawakening Cycle: Reincarnation is described as alternating between periods of wakefulness and unconsciousness. In this view, every moment of lost awareness is a kind of death, and every return to awareness is a rebirth.
  • Breaking the Cycle of Reincarnation: If reincarnation is a cycle of losing and regaining awareness, then to escape reincarnation is to cultivate perpetual consciousness, eliminating the gaps in perception.
  • The Role of Consciousness vs. Awareness: The talk differentiates between awareness (a passive state) and true consciousness (an active, stable presence). Many mistakenly equate heightened awareness (such as during dreams or drug use) with consciousness, but the speaker argues that consciousness is something beyond mere perception.
  • The Wolf and the Gorilla: These recurring symbols represent the existential confrontation that everyone must eventually face. The "wolf" is the moment of unavoidable reckoning with one’s true state, and the "gorilla" is the force of transformation or destruction. Those who are not truly prepared for transformation will not survive the encounter.
  • The Necessity of Shedding Tools and Methods: Methods like breathwork, meditation, and spiritual exercises are useful in the early stages but must ultimately be discarded to avoid dependency. Transformation requires going beyond the tools that got you there.
  • The Inescapable Nature of Transformation: The talk stresses that transformation is inevitable, and those who resist it now will still face it later. The work is not about making things comfortable but about preparing oneself to confront the reality of existence without illusion.
  • Planetary Consciousness vs. Individual Work: While there is a collective shift in human awareness, this New Age expansion of consciousness is not the same as real transformation. True work is individual and cannot be achieved through collective movements alone.
  • The Shock of Transformation: Just as Jesus was transformed through the crucifixion, true awakening comes through an irreversible shock. There is no way to prepare for this moment fully—it must be experienced.

The talk urges participants to stop looking for answers and instead face the truth of their current state. It warns against spiritual materialism—the trap of accumulating ideas rather than undergoing real transformation.

Keywords & Key Phrases

  • Reincarnation awareness
  • Blackout-Reawakening cycle
  • The Wolf (moment of reckoning)
  • The Gorilla (force of transformation)
  • Breaking the cycle of unconsciousness
  • The false equation of awareness with consciousness
  • Transformation through existential shock
  • The danger of spiritual materialism
  • The necessity of shedding all methods
  • No permanent attainments, only process
  • Planetary consciousness vs. personal transformation
  • Escaping the habitual cycle of perception
  • Awareness vs. true presence
  • The illusion of free choice in awakening
  • The inevitability of transformation
  • Meeting the gorilla = transformation or death
  • Samsaric progress as a trap
  • Confronting the reality of existence
  • Beyond the dream state
  • Tools must be discarded after use
  • The ultimate sacrifice of identity
  • Jesus as a model of transformation, not worship
  • The final confrontation beyond time and space
  • Going past the point of no return
  • What is the attraction to being here?
  • Seeing the wolf before true work can begin

Graphic Prompt for AI Image Generation

*"A surreal dreamscape where a lone traveler stands at the edge of a deep abyss, facing a massive, shadowy wolf with glowing eyes. Beyond the abyss, an enormous silverback gorilla, wreathed in fire, waits silently. The sky above shifts between deep cosmic darkness and a blinding white void. Symbols of reincarnation, shattered clocks, and spiraling DNA float in the air. The traveler, cloaked in luminous robes, carries a small flame in their hands—the only light in the vast unknown. The composition should evoke a feeling of existential dread, transformation, and the final moment of reckoning.*"