Children's Workshop


Children's Workshop


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(4) CDs: 22.95

This talk examines the invocation of Lunar and Solar entities during childhood and its significance for child rearing, the importance of impartiality, the ingestion and absorption of the teacher, and the survival of data in work cell colonies through protein chains.


This workshop explores the profound interplay between parents, children, and spiritual work, highlighting how the process of raising children can catalyze self-transformation. It examines the dynamics of Chief Feature, lunar and solar entities, and the roles of imitation, manifestation, and experimentation in a child’s development. A key theme is the necessity of parents working on themselves to guide their children effectively, balancing organic responsibilities with the pursuit of higher understanding.


The talk covers a wide range of interconnected topics related to parenting, spiritual growth, and the interplay between lunar and solar forces. Key insights include:

1. Chief Feature and Its Role in Parenting:

- Parents’ Chief Features heavily influence their interactions with children, often unconsciously.

- Recognizing and addressing one’s Chief Feature is vital for fostering a healthier relationship with children and encouraging their growth.

2. The Influence of Lunar and Solar Entities:

- Children naturally lean toward solar manifestations but are often driven toward lunar influences due to societal norms and parental shortcomings.

- Parents must learn to discern between these influences in themselves and their children to encourage solar growth.

3. Imitation and Manifestation:

- Children primarily learn through observing and imitating manifestations, which makes the parents' actions more impactful than their words.

- This underscores the importance of parents embodying the qualities they wish to instill.

4. Sacrifice and Responsibility:

- True sacrifice for children involves parents prioritizing their inner work to provide a strong foundation for their offspring.

- The idea of “sacrificing the sacrifice” emphasizes the need for parents to move beyond performative self-sacrifice and engage in genuine self-improvement.

5. The Role of Suffering:

- Observing a child’s struggles can serve as a catalyst for parents to intensify their own efforts toward growth.

- Parents must learn to balance allowing children to experience challenges with providing necessary support.

6. Teaching Solar Magic:

- Teaching children to align with solar forces requires parents to first develop this alignment within themselves.

- The talk explores practical and esoteric methods for fostering this connection, including posture exercises and understanding energetic exchanges.

7. Long-Term Impact and Intergenerational Work:

- The transformations achieved by parents through spiritual work can benefit not only their children but also past and future generations.

- The concept of work poison is introduced, where exposure to genuine spiritual efforts can create a ripple effect across familial lines.

The session concludes with practical exercises in posture and movement to help participants reconnect with their childhood states and understand the foundations of their own development.

Keywords and Key Phrases

  • Chief Feature
  • Lunar and solar entities
  • Work poison
  • Sacrifice the sacrifice
  • Manifestations and imitation
  • Parental influence
  • Solar magic
  • Energetic exchange
  • Intergenerational impact
  • Spiritual growth through parenting
  • Teaching solar forces
  • Posture exercises
  • Experimental learning
  • Balancing suffering and support

Graphic Prompt for Visualization

*"An abstract representation of a family in an ethereal setting, with radiant golden threads connecting the parents to their children, symbolizing intergenerational growth and spiritual alignment. One side of the image depicts lunar influences—shadowy, chaotic patterns—while the other side shows solar forces as bright, harmonious rays of light. The parents are positioned as mediators between these forces, embodying transformation through their own alignment. Subtle imagery of seeds growing into radiant trees reinforces the themes of growth, responsibility, and continuity."*