The Voice of Conscience


The Voice of Conscience


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(2) CDs: 12.95

A talk on octaves, candidacy for the Work and the voice of conscience. Introduces the idea of "making everything quiet inside" as a condition for Work.


The transcript explores the concept of "octaves" as a metaphorical framework for personal growth and transformation. It discusses how individuals often repeat patterns without understanding the "mechanics" of their behaviors and how external shocks or new inputs can break these cycles. By recognizing missing elements or notes within an octave, one can complete cycles and progress to higher levels of understanding and being. The conversation touches on ideas of responsibility, obligation, and the role of suffering in fostering growth.


The talk is an exploration of a metaphysical framework for understanding personal development, centering on the concept of octaves. Each octave represents a cycle of effort or action, requiring "missing notes" or external shocks to achieve completion. Speakers delve into the interplay of conscious and unconscious influences on behavior, emphasizing the need for attention and will to progress. They discuss the limitations of ordinary perception, the role of responsibility in work, and the transformative potential of embracing greater suffering for the sake of growth. Practical examples, such as interruptions and tasks like baking bread, illustrate these principles in daily life. The talk suggests that understanding and completing small octaves is essential for realizing greater, more unified purposes.

Key List

  • Conscious effort
  • Conscious shocks
  • Crystallize octave
  • External shocks
  • False center
  • Greater suffering
  • Higher laws
  • Intentional bridges
  • Intervals
  • Introduce octaves
  • Mechanics of octaves
  • Missing notes
  • Necessity
  • Obligation
  • Octave
  • Personal suffering
  • Real center
  • Reconciling force
  • Transformative growth
  • Work on oneself