The No Bullshit Tarot Rap/The Yelling Se


The No Bullshit Tarot Rap/The Yelling Se


(1) CDs: $7.95

Side A: No Bullshit Tarot, 1970. The topics include explanations of Tarot card meanings and how to read them; "real" readings as opposed to Peace and Love bullshit readings; the spiritual Self and what we can become. These readings are based on the Albano-Waite deck. Side B: The Yelling Sermon, March 28, 1976. Mr. Gold expresses his anger at the lack of integrity, caring and work efforts in the community. Topics include an individual's betrayal of the Work, and choosing between ordinary ego life and the life of a Being. This one hits home! Some of the topics discussed include: Voluntary Evolution; the organization of Study Groups; directions for the construction of Invocational Dinners; Prayer Absolute and The Man on the Cross; an informative explanation of "the Octave"; invoking and provoking harmful presences; group invocation; the growth of a Soul; passage of an Angelic Presence; preparing for the Bardos; and lots more!